
6 Easy Steps to Creating and Sustaining Your Desired Culture

6 Easy Steps to Creating and Sustaining Your Desired Culture

Here are 6 easy tips to creating and sustaining your desired culture.  The tips are easy, but the work is hard.  It requires dedication and commitment – from you and from your team.   As you’re planning for 2019 take a look at how you can shape the future of your organization.

Define it.  “The culture of any organization is shaped by the worst behavior the leader is willing to tolerate.” By far one of our favorite quotes we share during trainings and presentations.  I challenge you to seriously consider all of the things you tolerate in your organization and then ask yourselves:

  • How do we make our culture more intentional?
  • How do we not leave our culture to chance?
  • How can we make all of the positives that happen here the norm for new and seasoned employees alike?

Lead it.  Set the tone. You must model the way for others by living your organizational values.  You can do so through the power of sharing stories and creating memorable moments focused on “your secret sauce” whatever that might be.  At our client, Rowntree Garden’s, it’s to be a daily blessing, and at client, Tockwotton on the Waterfront, it’s their philosophy of putting the resident first.

Encourage it.  Influence change throughout the entire community by involving your key leaders and possibly creating a committee or task force committed to being more intentional with creating your desired culture.  Our client, Guardian Elder Care recently updated their mantra to “Neighbors Caring for Neighbors,” words that the entire community can relate to and live.

Measure it.  We can’t stress enough, collect your data!  If you’re not collecting data, you aren’t measuring it, and if you don’t measure it, how can you improve?  Some common data might include: turnover, employee engagement, resident engagement, referrals, hires by source.  Involve team members in the process and make sure they understand the importance of measuring data.  Client, Lenbrook of Atlanta decided their focus would be to decrease agency – which they successfully eliminated. A measure that can easily be tracked.

Recruit for it.  Hire candidates that fit your culture and possess the strengths you need to sustain your desired culture.  Find employees who are passionate and are drawn to your “secret sauce.”  Consider what strengths and behaviors are needed for the job, and if the candidate aligns with your values.

Reinforce it. Live your culture by not accepting behaviors, actions that go against what you are trying to achieve.  For example, you can no longer accept “but that’s the way we’ve always done it” or “but we need to fill the shift.”  Everyone must hold each other accountable and truly focus on creating and sustaining the culture you desire.

While every organization is unique and will have their own secret sauce leading their intentional culture, the tips remain the same.  Print this out, hang it up.  Remember to: Define. Lead. Encourage. Measure. Recruit and Reinforce your Culture.

This article was written by Drive team member, Allison Duda.

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